Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just a Thought :D

This year is flying by! In just a few weeks, i'll be 19 years old :) I never thought i'd see the day that I would be able to use the phrase, "Back when I was in high school..." in a conversation. I never thought i'd see the day that i'd be buying my own groceries and cleaning my own apartment. I never thought i'd see the day that my friends that are my age would be about to get married or engaged or having kids! It always felt like those times in life were so far away, but now they are here and I find myself wishing time would slow down a little bit. Since I was in like middle school, I wanted to be 18 so bad! I wanted to be on my own and independent. But now that i'm at this point in life, I find myself wishing I was just a kid again. I'm excited for the things that are ahead in life, but I also miss the things that are now behind me. Life is changing so quickly, and i'm having a hard time keeping up with it all! In July, my sister will turn 22 and will also be moving to Lima, Peru to be a missionary for 2 years. Talk about a HUGE life change for her, and for me! I've had a great time living with her this year. We haven't killed each other yet ;) And my little brother, Colton...he's not so little anymore. He is turning 15 in June! I can't believe it. The other day he stood up for a kid that was getting literally beat up at the YMCA. Colton threw the guys that were hurting the kid off of him and helped him up. My heart was so proud of him :) all the wrestling and fighting we have done all these years has paid off! He'll be a sophomore next year and he is one of the greatest guys I know. And then that leaves me. Who knows where i'll be next year! Maybe in college, maybe not. I don't know what the Lord has for me right now but I do know and trust that He will show me exactly where He wants me and open all the right doors at the right time. I'm just rambling today but I just want to encourage anyone reading this to enjoy TODAY. Don't wish for tomorrow, for it is not guaranteed. Love your friends and family with all of your heart and enjoy each minute, second and hour that God gives you, no matter what you are doing or where you are at in life :)