Tuesday, November 27, 2012

South Carolina!

I'm baaack! I honestly forgot that I even had a blog :/ I really thought i'd use this a lot more! Haha. I thought that since it has been so long, I would try and catch everyone up (all 12 of my followers lol) on what has been going on in my life in the past 6 or so months. 

I currently live in North Augusta, South Carolina. I am attending Victory Baptist College and am truly having the time of my life learning about ministry and growing in the Lord! I've had my ups and downs here just like I would have anywhere else, but God has been so good to me. I am about 20 hours from my home and family and Kansas, and it's definitely a weird feeling not being able to just drive home for a weekend like so many other students can do. I've faced some discouragement while trying to find a job. I've had a handful of interviews and most of the employers were not able or willing to work with my schedule. But God is faithful and has provided all that I need! I see a job on the horizon and am looking forward to seeing the Lord work it out :) I go to Victory Baptist Church and it is probably the most exciting church i've ever been in! There really is no way to describe it, you'll just have to visit ;) 

It wasn't in my plans to be here for college, but i'm sure glad I listened to the Lord and walked through the open door that He revealed to me. He often times takes us in directions that we don't expect, but I have realized that that is what makes life exciting! Scary? Yes. But i'm learning to hold His hand and trust His heart when I can't see what's ahead. When He leads the way, it will all turn out how it is supposed to turn out! All we have to do is just follow Him in faith. 

I'll try my best to keep everyone posted on what happens around here. You are sure to get some good laughs when you hear what goes on in my crazy life! Have a great day! :) 

1 comment:

  1. when are you gonna write another?? :) haha
