Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"She Arose and Ministered Unto Them..."

Luke 4:39
And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered unto them. 

I have seen this same phrase a number of times throughout the gospels, and every time I run across it, the same truth resonates in my mind and speaks to my heart. I wholeheartedly believe that every Christian is called to minister to others. Jesus is our greatest example of that truth, for His life was all about serving others (Matthew 20:28). Although we are all called to serve, I can't help but notice one word that, as far as I know, is in every account of scripture that this phrase is used. It says, "SHE arose and ministered unto them." I believe that there is a special place in the heart of a woman that truly desires to serve. I think that God has placed a special kindness and compassion  in our hearts that allows us to serve others in a unique way. There are many, many ways that we can minister to others. It could by showing hospitality to a new family that just joined the church, or by preparing a meal for a family that just lost a loved one. Or it could be a simple act of service: noticing someone that is having a rough day and taking the time to share an encouraging word with them or a kind smile. Whatever it may be, I desire to be a woman with a serving, ministering heart: A woman that puts the needs of others before my own. 

In this account of scripture (Luke 4:39), Peter's mother-in-law had been "taken with great fever", and Jesus had just healed her. What stood out to me is that it says she immediately arose and ministered unto them. Now, i'm sure she was probably feeling wonderful considering the fact that Jesus had just healed her! But when I read that, I thought about how I might have acted if I had just been sick. After I had been healed, I probably would have complained and went on about how sick I was and how now I just needed to rest and recover and so on... [come know you probably would have done the same ;)] But she immediately got up and focused on the needs of the people around her, despite what she had just gone through.  No matter what is going on in our lives, whether it be a sickness or a burden or a busy schedule, in the midst of it all, we should try to look for ways to serve others.  

It is so easy to get so wrapped up in self. And sometimes, we get so wrapped up in ourselves and our schedules, that we become blinded to the needs of the people around us. I am so guilty of this at times. There is a great joy that comes from ministering to others, and I don't want to miss out on that joy. I have begun to ask God to give me opportunities to minister and the eyes to see the opportunities He puts in my path. I also have begun to ask Him, "Lord, who can I minister to today?, and "How can I minister to that person?" God has been faithful to answer these prayers. For the wife, you might ask,"Lord, how can I minister to my husband today?" And for the Mom, "Lord, how can I minister to my children today?" For the college student, you might ask, "Lord, who can I encourage today?" During your trip to the grocery store, you can ask, "Lord, how can I be a help to someone in here today?"

 God might give you an extra errand to run for your husband that is out of your way, or He might require you to spend an extra hour cleaning the kitchen because your kid's wanted to make cookies. He might ask the college student to put down her studies and call a friend who is in need of some encouragement. Maybe He will ask you to pay the grocery bill for the lady in front of you that forgot her wallet at home? I don't know how He will ask you or me to minister today, but I do know we have a choice in how we look at each situation that comes up. We can either see them as inconveniences and gripe and complain, or we can see these situations as a way to bless others. Will I always do it perfectly and without complaint? No, probably not. Will I always have a willing, joyful heart and attitude that desires to immediately meets the needs of others? No, probably not. But Jesus is continually working on me and He knows that I want His words, attitude and heart of love to flow out of me and be poured onto others every day. Through ministering to others, I will also minister to the heart of God. I'd venture to say that you want that too :).  And when I am gone and out of this world, I pray it is said of me that I was a woman who "immediately arose and ministered unto them..." 


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