Thursday, February 9, 2012

Introduction :)

Sometimes, it’s been hard for me to understand why God has allowed certain trials and situations to happen in my life. The past year and a half or so has honestly been the most challenging time of my 18 (almost 19) years on this earth! I have faced things that I never thought I would have to face. In the midst of the storms, I found myself asking God many questions and I found myself wondering where He was in the mess of it all. Looking back on all of it now, I can see His loving hand of protection around my heart and my life, even when I couldn’t understand why He was allowing the hurt. I can now answer one of the most common and bothersome questions that my heart held onto so tightly, and that question was: Why. Why did the Lord allow my heart to break, my dreams to be crushed, and my own little world to be shaken? The answer is…because He loved me. He loved me too much to let my own dreams and plans get in the way of His. He loved me too much to let me go through the rest of the year, or the rest of my life, without knowing His true character, without experiencing Him for who He really was, not just what my mind made Him up to be. He loved me too much to not show me just how personal He was, how real He wanted to be in my everyday life. All the hurt, all the trials, everything I went through, was so He could reveal His love to me in a way that I never imagined.

When I first decided to start a blog, I was obviously trying to think of a name for it, and the name "Because He Loves Me" popped into my head right away. I didn’t think it was a very good name, so I tried to come up with other ones, but that one stuck. The more I got to thinking about it, the more I realized how fitting it was. My daily life involves situations here and there that test and stretch my faith. No matter how big or small the situation is, I’m realizing more and more that everything that happens to me, happens, because He loves me. He loves me too much to leave me the way I am and that’s why I face challenges that cause me to want to change and cause me to cling to Jesus more and more. Because He Loves Me will include things that are on my heart, and reading that one sentence right then probably made you want to click the X on the top right hand corner! They may bore you to tears, Lol, but I can guarantee that I will thoroughly enjoy sharing a piece of my heart and life on here! I want to glorify and magnify the Lord in all the things that I say on this, so…here I go! Follow me if you’d like.

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