Friday, March 9, 2012


Wow, it's been almost a month since i've posted something! I have literally tried to write a new post like 3 different times but every time I started to type, my mind would go blank. And so would the computer screen because I would delete everything that I started to type. I don't know why I couldn't put anything together! BUT, tonight I read a new blog posted by a friend and I knew exactly what I needed to write about!  (You're my inspiration, Reece lol) I want to tell you all about THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.
The best day of my life was June 15th, 2010. That is the day that I stopped rejecting the Lord. For years, He had lovingly told me to let Him come inside of my heart, to REALLY let Him in, and for years, I ignored Him. But the moment that I said yes to Jesus, He broke through all the chains of sin that had me bound and burst through the door of my heart. He had waited for that moment for years, the moment that I finally let Him come into my heart of hearts and change me from the inside out. I'll never forget that day.
I sat before a campfire, my sin filled heart pounding wildly in my chest. I had just heard a message at teen camp about hell, and feeling the heat on my face from the fire that was before me made the reality of it come to life. I had doubted my salvation for years, but I didn't want to admit that. Wasn't the prayer that I prayed when I was five years old good enough? What will people think of me if I admit that I don't think i'm really saved? These kinds of questions tugged at my heart over and over and over again. And over and over again I didn't do anything about it. I tried resting in the fact that I was a good person and I didn't really sin "that much."
But on this starry June night in 2010, in front of a blazing campfire, I admitted to myself for the first time that if I died in that very moment, I was going to go straight to hell. The moment that I admitted that was the moment that I realized how truly wicked and sinful that my heart really was, and how badly I needed Jesus to save me and rescue me. I realized that I needed Him and Him alone. It didn't matter how good of a Christian that I claimed to be and that I desired to do right and be a Godly girl. What mattered is that I couldn't be the person that I should be unless I had Jesus living inside of me.
After the campfire that night, I made my way down to the place at the church camp where my Pastor and his wife were staying. They were already getting ready for bed, but I walked into the room and said,  "I need to get saved!" They kneeled with me by the side of their bed and that is when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I admitted that I realized I was a sinner and asked for His forgiveness. I told Him that I believed in what He did for me on the cross and that I wanted Him to come into my heart and life. He came in my heart that day and He is still there and always will be.
I have had a lot of great days in my life, but no day will ever beat that one. Jesus cleansed me from my sin with His precious blood. He took my sin upon Himself and took the punishment that I deserve. It will forever blow my mind that He died for ME. I am nothing. I am nobody. Why, oh why, would He die for somebody like me? Because...He loved me.


  1. You are such an inspiration, Amie!! It's amazing how God works! :)

  2. Thank you Faith! And yes it is! He never ceases to amaze me!
